The practice of religious conversion in the 21st century has revived academic interest in the subject. Most theories and frameworks for understanding religious conversion are still based on outdated models. Recent studies have focused primarily on converts’ testimonies, which is a valuable starting point for contextualizing religious conversion. However, much of this research has concentrated on individuals and their past religious worldviews. There is a significant gap in understanding the contextualization of religious conversion in relation to culture, theology, community, and other factors. In September, OCMS will address this gap through its MBL lecture series, focusing on the contextualization of religious conversion in the majority world. Full Programme Details here
Previous Lectures
Muted Group Theory and Disability: silenced by sympathy and service
Speaker Donna Jennings
Speaker Monty Lynn
The Case Against English in Africa and the Majority World, and its implication for Christian mission today
Speaker Jim Harries
Speaker Ronald Boyd-MacMillan
Speaker Prof Hannes Knoetze
Speaker Dr Karla Koll
Speaker Dr Michael Biehl
Speaker Dr Carlos Ham
Speaker Dr Terry Garde
Speaker Esther Mombo
The State of the Anglican Church in the UK: The C of E could be wiped out in another 20-30 years
Speaker Tim Wambunya
Speaker Dr Alex IP
Speaker Andrew Paxman
Speaker Maria Waldinger
“Translating Heaven”: The discovery and appropriation of the Christian concept of life after death by the Mizo
Speaker Marina Behera