What is the GRP?

The Guided Research Programme (GRP) is a flexible, research-based programme providing a great opportunity for you to reflect, explore, investigate and produce a significant and meaningful research output, at your own speed and under the guidance of a personal tutor. It aims to strengthen the mission praxis of the global church.

Is the GRP for you?

  • Do you have a burning mission issue you wish to research with expert support?
  • Are you seeking to create cutting edge ministry or mission resources?
  • Would you benefit from synthesizing your experience and knowledge?
  • Are you looking to reflect on a ministry or mission experience?
  • Is there an opportunity for you to contribute to the development of your mission movement or church through relevant and rigorous research?
  • Do you have between 3 months (full time) and 3 years (part time) to study?

Added value in doing a GRP with OCMS?

  • Oxford’s world class resources and the Bodleian Library
  • OCMS Programme for Research Induction (OPRI), introduction to research methods, resources, academic writing, research presentation, etc.
  • OCMS faculty for professional academic guidance and challenge
  • Personal Tutor providing a sounding board for thinking and research
  • Participation in a global community of scholars and mission practitioners

Eligibility Requirements

  • Master’s degree (or equivalent) in any discipline
  • Proficiency in English language
  • Minimum of 5 years’ work and ministry experience

Costs and Fees

Application Fees £30
GRP Fee £210 per month
Oxford Residency Fees £50 per week (paid for first 4 weeks in residence per year)
Costs of travel to, and residence, Oxford estimates can be provided

Generous Scholarships are available in case of need


  • Please download the GRP brochure.
  • If it is right for you, fill out the enquiry form.
  • Submit it here


Introduction to the Guided Research Programme at the Oxford Centre of Mission Studies