Bridging Divides: Salim Munayer Speaks at OCMS Chapel

Salim Munayer and Justice Reconciliation book

OCMS recently had the privilege of hosting distinguished alumnus Dr. Salim Munayer during his visit to the UK from Palestine. Dr. Munayer, founder and Senior Consultant of Musalaha, an organisation dedicated to fostering reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians shared his wealth of experience and profound insights during a sermon at our weekly chapel service. T

his was followed by an in-depth seminar, where staff and students engaged in meaningful dialogue about justice, peacebuilding, and reconciliation.

Chapel Reflections: A Call to Reconciliation

In his sermon, Dr. Munayer invited the audience to grapple with the complexities of reconciliation in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Drawing from over 30 years of peacebuilding experience, he highlighted the challenges and opportunities of breaking down barriers between divided communities.

Reconciliation requires courage, he shared, not only to confront injustice but to envision a future where peace is possible. He emphasised the power of nonviolent resistance and the transformative impact of grassroots movements, sharing personal stories of hope and healing. His reflections drew on his deep faith and his commitment to justice as a Palestinian Christian. The sermon also served as a reminder of the Church role in embodying and advocating for peace in a fractured world.

A Deeper Dive: Seminar on Justice and Reconciliation

Following the chapel service, Dr. Munayer led a seminar exploring the historical and theological dimensions of justice within the Abrahamic faith Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. He unpacked themes from his latest book, Reconciling Justice: Concepts of Justice in the Multireligious Context of Palestine/Israel, offering a comparative study of justice and its role in reconciliation.

Key points of the seminar included:

  • Understanding Historical Narratives: Dr. Munayer traced the historical narratives that shape perceptions of justice in the region, challenging global misconceptions and encouraging participants to critically evaluate their own assumptions.
  • The Role of Faith in Peacebuilding: He demonstrated how Jewish, Muslim, and Christian concepts of justice can intersect to create a framework for reconciliation.
  • Practical Steps Toward Reconciliation: Sharing insights from Musalaha work, he outlined practical steps for breaking down barriers and fostering understanding, emphasizing the importance of humility, dialogue, and sustained effort.

The session concluded with a vibrant Q&A, where participants probed deeper into the realities of peacebuilding in a region marked by conflict and division. Dr. Munayer’s candor and depth of understanding left a lasting impression on all who attended.

Reconciling Justice: A Book Presenting a Vision for Hope

During his visit, attendees had the opportunity to purchase Dr. Munayer’s latest book, Reconciling Justice. This groundbreaking work explores the theological and cultural dimensions of justice within the Abrahamic faiths, offering a prophetic vision for peace and reconciliation in the Israel-Palestine context.

Dr. Munayer’s visit reminded us of the ongoing need for bold and faithful voices in the work of reconciliation. His life and work stand as a testament to the transformative power of faith in addressing deep-rooted divisions. At OCMS, we are grateful for his continued contributions to global peacebuilding and for the opportunity to learn from his experience.

As the Middle East continues to grapple with unimaginable violence, voices like Dr. Munayer’s challenge us to imagine a future where reconciliation is not only possible but achievable. His visit was a poignant reminder of our collective responsibility to pursue justice and peace in our own communities and beyond.


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