Research Tutor & Leader of OPRI

Anne is an experienced educational researcher who has been working for the last 10 years in the areas of religious education and intercultural learning. She has been a primary school practitioner teaching across the curriculum from reception through to Y6 pupils for over 20 years. Skills include qualitative educational research, teaching and communicating, curriculum design, collaborative team building and action research methodology.

Research interests: Action Research Methodology, Scriptural Reasoning, Intercultural Communication, Religious Education, Interfaith dialogue, Peace building and reconciliation ministry, specific interest in Bosnia

Current research projects: Anne is currently developing practical teaching resources in collaboration with the Rose Castle Foundation drawing on the findings that came out of her PhD research. The material is based on an age appropriate adaptation of Scriptural Reasoning principles and current religious education pedagogic principles.


  • PhD in Education: subject specialism Religious Education (Warwick) - 2019
  • MA in Education: subject specialism Religious Education (Warwick) -2011
  • Cert HE in Theology and Vocation (St Johns Theological College, Nottingham) - 2003
  • B.Ed. (Reading) - 1986


