Ron Sider and OCMS

We received the news of Ron Sider’s passing with a sense of deep thankfulness to God for the friendship and support of one of the founders of OCMS. As the INFEMIT tribute noted: 

Ron did so much through his writing and activism, challenging the Church worldwide, and particularly in North America, to think critically about what it means to be faithful to the gospel and to live accordingly. However, Ron gave just as much through his friendship, demonstrating the love of Christ in relationships and cultivating spaces where others could continue to learn, question, agitate, and transform.

Chris Sugden, reflecting on Ron’s impact on OCMS, noted the following:

Ron was part of the founding Board of INFEMIT, formed in 1981, and also of OCMS in 1983. In the early years the two Boards were identical and Ron represented the USA. His primary contribution was through his occasional lecturing when visiting the UK, and participation in programmes like the 10-year study on Christian Faith and Economics that produced the Oxford Declaration on Christian Faith and Economics. He was also active in the summer schools of OCMS in the areas of creation care, economics and politics.

Ron was the founding co-editor of the Transformation journal, along with Vinay Samuel and Chris Sugden as founding managing editor. 20 years later Transformation became the journal of OCMS.

Bishop Hwa Yung, joining the OCMS Board some years after its founding, wrote:

I came on board (OCMS) later and benefitted much from his moral convictions, theological insights, and spiritual commitment. He was one whom I deeply admired and whose friendship I greatly appreciated. His writings not only challenged many in the West but were very much a blessing to Christians in the Majority World. In fact, many in the Majority World found him to be one of those relatively fewer Christian thinkers who had a real sense of sympathy with us from the politically and economically weaker parts of the globe! He will be greatly missed.

As we appreciate the life and ministry of Ron, our thoughts and prayers are with his wife Arbutus, and the family. 


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