We feature 3 great new books that you may be interested in.
Worship Music and Culture: The Case of the Songhai of Niger
John Robert Devalve
This case study of the African Christian community among the Songhai and its worship music, is drawn on research conducted over a six-year period. The relationships between music, culture, and worship are studied based on insights from disciplines of ethnomusicology, worship study, anthropology, theology, missiology, and history.
You can buy it here
Undivided Witness
David Greenlee, Mark Galpin and Paul Bendor-Samuel
Undivided Witness presents ten key principles linking community development and emerging vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the ‘least reached’. Twelve practitioners explore uncharted missiological space, drawing on decades of serving and learning among communities in Africa, Middle East, Europe, and South, Central and Southeast Asia.
You can buy it here
Mission Agencies in Crisis?
Edwin Arthur
This book examines the theology and practice aspects of six British mission agencies, aiming to understand their capability to respond to the crisis faced due to a disconnect between mission practitioners and mission academy. It suggests agencies’ need to consider leadership and governance aspects to respond effectively to the challenges they face.
You can buy it here