14.00 (UK Time)

This lecture will address the understanding of church and mission in the main ecclesial families of the Middle East (Oriental Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant). It will also look at the embodiment of mission on the parish level in times of crisis and war.

Beirut Theologian

Wilbert Van Saane

Chaplain and Lecturer in Religion a
Haigazian University, Beirut.

Wilbert van Saane studied theology at Utrecht University and at the seminary of the Protestant Church in the Netherlands. He received his doctorandus (M.Th.) degree in 2001 and was ordained as a pastor in the Protestant Church in the Netherlands. Between 2002 and 2008 he served as the pastor of the International Community Church in Beirut. Between 2006 and 2008 he was also a part time instructor in practical theology at the Near East School of Theology.

In 2008, he returned to the Netherlands to work for the Netherlands Missionary Council, an ecumenical networking and research organization. Part of his duties there was to be the chief editor of TussenRuimte, a journal for intercultural theology. In addition to that, he was the coordinator of Member Care Netherlands, an organization that supports Dutch missionaries in practical and pastoral ways. Since 2009, he served as a part time instructor at Bible College ‘De Wittenberg’ in contextual and intercultural Bible reading. In September 2014, he returned to Beirut to work at Haigazian University.